In this issue:
Whirlwind will soon be offering our acclaimed RoughRider wheelchair in the U.S. Once final testing and adjustments to the RoughRider® are complete, Whirlwind will begin with a 100 person test market group. By early fall, sales will be opened to the general public via our website.
Whirlwind received FDA approval to sell the RoughRider® in the U.S. this past January. The chairs will be manufactured in Jakarta, Indonesia, by PT Dharma, an FDA-approved facility with exceptionally high-quality manufacturing.
On a Buy-One-Give-One program, for every chair sold in the U.S., Whirlwind will also deliver one to someone in need in the developing world. For many interested U.S. riders it is amazing that at the $799 price, which is dramatically less than US market chairs, Whirlwind can deliver such a remarkable outdoor riding experience and do good abroad at the same time.